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How to Manage Stress by Being Organized

We live in a stressful society. Almost everyone faces several stress factors daily. These include experiences such as:

· Long daily commute and traffic

· Coping with the global pandemic

· Overwhelming work load and assignments

· Anxiety and stress from financial problems

· Family problems

· Health issues

· And the list goes on

Not everyone is able to do the top recommended methods for coping with or reducing stress. However, there is one simple way you can help ease some of the stress you face. Don’t stress about how not to stress. Let’s talk about how to manage stress by being organized.

How can being organized reduce stress?

Have you ever forgotten to get a chore or task done? Doesn’t it cause you to panic or stress out while you scramble to get things done at the last minute? Avoid this unnecessary stress by getting organized. Being organized helps to reduce stress by introducing more structure into your daily life. You are able to have more control on how to manage your time, know exactly what you’re supposed to be doing and feel accomplished when you get things done and out of the way. This makes you feel more positive and content in general.

How to get Organized?

Take simple steps to get organized and notice the difference in how you feel or view situations. It doesn’t have to be anything grand or complicated. Some ways to get organized include:

Use a planner

A planner is a great tool to become organized. Use your planner to record literally everything as possible so that nothing falls through the cracks. Write down to -do lists, schedule appointments, work deadline dates, shopping and meal prep, chores and more. Having everything in one accessible place to refer to at any point of the day keeps the guess work and anxiety at bay when you’re a busy bee.


You can manage your daily chores in a planner, but use a journal for things that are more abstract. Journals can help you gather your thoughts, feelings, ideas and achievements you look forward to making reality.


Declutter your whole life. This means you need to clear up space in your home, in your friendships, at your work desk and your mental space. Having more room to breathe means you don’t feel weighed down by things that have a negative impact on your life. Having a clutter free home is especially calming and is a simple yet effective way to reduce stress and anxiety.


Everyone faces different stress factors, but we all react to stress in the same way. It takes a toll on your body, mind, and affects your progress in life. We all want to be the best version of ourselves and stressing over things that can easily be solved takes away that enthusiasm and ambitious drive to be better. Making the effort to be organized even if it’s as simple as planning your outfit the night before or writing down your shopping list are easy and helpful things to keep you grounded and calm.


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