Reading books continues to be a top pastime around the world. While the choices vary from comic books to self help books and guides, reading serves an important purpose. The world’s literacy rate is 86% (and growing). This means that thanks to our modern conveniences, more people know how to read and write. While the choice of what to read may vary and the formats available, print books maintain a steady level of preference. Apart from being entertaining and a relaxing hobby, reading actually does a lot more than just help you pass the time. Here are 5 reasons why you should read more.
Frequent reading improves your vocabulary
Reading builds your vocabulary and helps you to become more articulate while you speak or write. You learn more words and their meanings which helps you to become a better communicator. This is why kids are encouraged to read from a young age!
You expand your knowledge
Knowledge is power, and reading is a sure-fire way to access this. Reading books or magazines about business, fashion, mechanics or technology opens up your mind and introduces you to new concepts and developments in the world around you. The more you learn, the more well equipped you are to face challenges you may encounter in life. It also helps you to cultivate stronger analytical and thinking skills as you absorb more information from reading and learning new things.
Helps you fight insomnia
If you have trouble falling asleep every night, put away your smart device and pick up a print book. Reading as part of your bedtime routine is a great stress reducer which helps you to fall asleep faster and have a more restful night. Nothing beats unwinding after a hectic day with a nice book before it’s time for bed.
It keeps your brain healthy as you age
Studies have shown a link between a habit of reading and how it can help prevent cognitive decline as you grow older. The mental stimulation from reading reduces the chance of brain lesions and plaque caused by dementia and Alzheimer’s. Reading can also improve your memory function and activate or strengthen existing brain pathways or synapses associated with memory retention.
You become more empathetic
Reading fictional literature can help you relate better to people you meet in real life. You become more sympathetic, understanding and have a more developed ‘theory of mind’. The characters you meet in books all have traits that are based on real human emotions and beliefs. This can promote better relationships and more insightful attitudes towards people and how to interact with them.
You don’t have to be a bibliophile to incorporate some reading into your lifestyle. Reading in general helps you learn more, write better, speak more clearly and open up your creative side. Whatever format you prefer, or the genre of reading you enjoy the most, it’s a great habit with amazing benefits that you can utilize in many areas of your day-to-day life and even years ahead.
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